Leslie Madrid
Innovative Instruction
Real Estate Home Photography Preparation Course
Click on the image to enter the course.
Contractors for Apex Res noticed many properties had not been prepared properly for real estate home photography when they arrive for the appointment which resulted in a loss of contractor time, photographs that are less visually appealing, and can result in fewer potential buyers leading to loss of future profit for Apex.
An eLearning course was designed and created in Articulate Storyline in which clients could take after they book an appointment. The solution follows two avatars as they prepare their home for real estate photography.
Scenarios, layers, triggers, animations, interactions, avatars, knowledge check, graded quiz
Tools Used
Articulate Storyline 360
Additional Deliverables
Troop 798 Parent/Guardian Orientation
Click on the image to enter the course.
Click on the image to enter the course.
Click on the image to enter the course.
Troop 798 has released a handbook and held a parent meeting at the start of each new scouting year in order to help new and returning parents to the troop understand their basic responsibilities. This was not an effective solution as many parents did not read the handbook or were unable to attend the meeting. This would cause some parents to be confused and led to leaders having to spend a good amount of time having to explain procedures to parents after the fact.
An eLearning course was designed and created in Articulate Rise in which parents could take at the beginning of the scouting year or as they join the troop. This course was designed to increase the knowledge of new and returning parents of scouts in Troop 798 on important information to the function of the troop. This allowed the parents better understanding and less confusion of how the troop operates for parents/guardians with less leader time needed for questions.
Interactions, knowledge checks, graded quiz
Tools Used
Articulate Rise, Canva
Additional Deliverables